1. 本机用于包子鞋、针对缝线、车线面缝合处、拉衬、定型功能。
2. 鞋面有皱纹、鞋面收缩难以入楦头,可能短时间内拉衬鞋面,服贴楦头。
3. 本机适用于生产线上前置作业,鞋面经拉衬整形后,上生产线时鞋面操作容易,少瑕疵品,
1. with the functions of therad sewing and upper stitching, this machine is focused on dealing with loafers.
2. this machine, in a short time, can be funcioned as last adhenion and pulling backer on shoe upper hard
to match last or with wrinkle.
3. this machine is also suited for antecedent production on assembly line, in ultilizing the function of bacder-
pulling, shoe upper are easy to operate with less dismerits and high productivity.